RESOLUTION The resolution of an image refers to the amount of detail in the image; the higher the resolution, the more detailed the image. To make sure your printed piece turns out great, black and white line art should be scanned in as line art or bitmap at 600 dpi. Photos, color CMYK or grayscale, should be scanned in at 300 dpi for standard spot or process printing. If your image is less than 300 or 600 dpi, you should...
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Bleeds, Cut Line and Text Margins
A bleed refers to the artwork that extends beyond the finished size of the product. To make sure your artwork prints to the edge of your piece, please allow for an additional 1/8″ (.125″) on each applicable side. When setting up your files with bleeds, it is good to keep a safety margin or text margin as well. Any essential text and design elements should be positioned within this margin. Please make sure the text still maintains the required margin...
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The Garden Club of Virginia presented “America’s Largest Open House” April 27-May 4 during the 86th anniversary of Historic Garden Week; house and garden tours were offered statewide. The Petersburg Garden Club had their tour day on April 30, 2019. Katrina Smith, one of our employees, a former member of the Petersburg Garden Club, volunteered to be a hostess that day. What a great organization to support with a day of beautiful arrangements, gardens and historic old houses. The Petersburg...
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